Sunday 2 December 2018

Smooth Flow

This rush of water is just below the Trowbridge Falls in Centennial Park just outside of Thunder Bay.

I shot these pictures on a cold Sunday afternoon. The previous day we had all hiked up the Giant and while everyone else stayed at home relaxing I went out to explore the park on my own. I had gone mainly to look for fungi and I wasn't disappointed but before I got into the forest I had to cross the river and so I took a few minutes to enjoy the rushing water. It was cold and slippery on the rocks but there is always something satisfying being near water so it was worth the effort and the risk of getting wet.

I have made a slight adjustment to the exposure in each of these images and applied a high contrast to bring out the energy of the rapids. I like the first black and white image best, I think that in landscape mode you get a better sense of movement and depth compared to the portrait orientation of the second shot which cuts the motion short.

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