Saturday 15 December 2018

Pie Island and an Eagle

So the first two shots are of Pie Island viewed across Lake Superior from the boardwalk at Mission Marsh. It was just after sunrise and the face of the mountain has a rich glow and the lighthouse on Mission Bay also has an early morning glow.

I like the view from the boardwalk as it give a sense of scale and perspective but I also like the second "close up" shot because you can make out a little more detail in the landscape.

The third shot is of one of the small islands between Mission Marsh and the Sleeping Giant. I shared it for two reasons, firstly because on the sky, I love the layers of clouds illuminated by the rising sun but also because of the trees silhouetted against the sky and if you look carefully you can see a bald eagle perched in one of the trees. I had watched fly across the lake and take up this vantage point to fish for its first meal of the day.

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