Saturday 29 December 2018

Old And New Liverpool

While the city was bustling with shoppers seeking bargains in the post Christmas sales I headed down to the waterfront with my youngest son to take some photos of the fine buildings around the docks. 

In the first shot, viewed across Canning Dock you can see (from left to right) the Museum of Liverpool, the Open Eye Gallery and  No1 Mann Island. In the background you can make out the top of The Liver Building, The Cunard Building and part of The Port of Liverpool Building which together are known as Liverpool's Three Graces and have earned the City Waterfront World Heritage status. 

As you can see from the water in the dock it was very windy today and so it wasn't possible to get any clear reflections. I will go back another time when the conditions are calmer, maybe in the evening when the lights are on and see what shots I can get then.

I was going to save the second picture for another day but the words seemed appropriate given that it was a windy day. This was shot inside the Museum of Liverpool and the words which circle around the balustrade of the central staircase are lyrics from "Song For John" by Yoko Ono

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