Monday 31 December 2018

A Modern Masterpiece

Here are four views of the marvelous Museum of Liverpool. I know that some people really dislike this building but I think it is an amazing structure although it was incredibly expensive and it leaks so there was some problem with the construction if not the design. It sits on the waterfront alongside the Three Graces and it contrasts and complements the historic architecture.

I really like the black and white images the second one is very like a final render from the architects drawings as it would have been presented to city planners.

Because it is a public building I wanted to get some shots with people in but not so  many that there were crowds distracting from the building itself so I waited to snap a single passer by and then in the final shot the three men had waited patiently to one side while I was taking pictures before the climbed the stairs. When they paused half way up I thought it made an excellent shot and I quickly captured the moment. I hope you agree it works really well.

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