Tuesday 1 January 2019

Wonderful Waders

I still have a few shots from Liverpool's waterfront to share but for today I wanted to post some pictures from my last shoot of 2018 at the WWT reserve at Martin Mere.

Winter is a great time to see a host of migrant species at the reserve and a chance for me to practice more wildlife photography. 

The two wading birds featured today are both in their winter plumage. Firstly there is the Bar-Tailed Godwit that has left its breeding grounds in the Arctic Tundra to spend the winter here on the food rich lakes at Martin Mere.

The second bird is a Ruff, I wasn't able to get many shots of this one as it seemed somewhat camera shy and when a flock of Lapwings was spooked nearby it also flew off and didn't return. The Ruff earns its name from its stunning summer/breeding plumage when the males grow a collar and crown of curly feathers. This one I think is a female.

Even in winter plumage I think both birds are quite beautiful.

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