Wednesday 16 January 2019

Coming Home To Roost

Today's shots were taken at Martin Mere, I spent the day there and although it was cold and grey I wanted to wait until the end of the day to witness the arrival of the large flocks of swans and Pink Footed Geese as they returned from foraging to their roost at the reserve.

Sadly the failing light meant I had to leave before the largest flocks came in but I was lucky enough to capture a few shots of small groups pf early arrivals.

As you can see the Whooper Swans came in in small groups, possibly family groups, flying low with great swooping wing beats. In flight they are so graceful with their long necks stretched out before them. I would normally shoot wildlife in colour but because the day was so overcast and grey I decided to try some shots in black and white too. As you can see from the first image it works really well although in the second shot with the small group reflected in the water I think colour works best.

The third shot works well to show that although in flight the swans look really sleek and elegant when they come in to land they actually become awkward and ungainly. The water was quite crowded with a variety of ducks and waders so finding a safe landing spot was tricky, it was amazing to see that there were few collisions as the swans hit the water.

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