Sunday 6 January 2019

Pen Yr Ole Wen

ISO 160  24mm  F/16  1/25 sec

ISO 100  32mm  F/22  2.5 sec (Cokin P153 filter)

ISO 100  24mm  F/22  1/20 sec

So here are three views of Pen Yr Ole Wen shot from two different vantage points using my Canon 24 - 105mm F/4 L IS(USM) lens. The first two were from a little lower down the track and the mountain is reflected in the stream just below a small waterfall.

You can see from the first shot that there was a lot of movement in the water given the waterfall so in the second image I used a ND4 filter and a long exposure to smooth out the surface of the water, the reflection is still not too sharp and maybe a longer exposure or stronger filter would have achieved a better result. I'm not sure but to be honest I am pleased with both of these images.

While I was setting up in this spot I was watching a Dipper flying up and down this short stretch of river and I was debating whether to swap out my lens in order to try and capture a few shots. They are a bird which fascinate me and it is one of my goals to photograph one, so maybe this will be the focus of a shoot in the near future.

The third shot is from the shore of Llyn Idwal and sheltered by the mountains on either side the surface of the lake was pretty calm and so there is a sharper reflection.

All in all it was definitely worth getting up early and braving the icy conditions.

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