Sunday 27 January 2019

Some Woodland and Garden Birds

So I won't make any claims about the quality of these shots, and apart from saying they were taken handheld using my large telephoto lens on a cold morning I won't make any excuses about them either.

I love the challenge of photographing wildlife and would love to spend much more time out searching for the perfect shot. The first 6 shots were taken as I was heading back to my car after standing on the edge of a lagoon photographing a family of beavers and the woodpecker shots were captured after taking  a wrong turn at the start of a hike at Mount Mackay.

At the time I took these pictures I tried top identify the different birds but a few months have passed since then and I have largely forgotten.

The first two shots are of a Black-throated Green Warbler, the last two are of a beautiful Downy Woodpecker and the one before the woodpecker is a Black-capped Chickadee.

The other two species however I couldn't identify, I figure they might be varieties of sparrow or warbler but after a long time scanning through different images online I still couldn't definitively say what they are. Whatever they are along with the other shots they are a nice selection of some of Canada's  wonderful wildlife.

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