Tuesday 29 March 2022

Derwent Water from Crow Park


Here are two very similar views of Derwent Water near Keswick, taken from slightly different vantage points along the shore. I have used a long exposure (1.6 seconds) to try to calm the movement in the lake and  f22 with an ND filter to help bring out the detail in the sky. As you can see there was a really dramatic sky with quite oppressive cloud cover which has created a strong atmosphere. I like the shaft of sunlight coming almost straight down over the jetty and the lake cruisers.

I have also processed one in black and white as I think the scene looks just as good in full colour or black and white.

I have been here several times in recent years and each time there is something different in the view. It is really impressive and hopefully you will agree well worth taking the time to take it all in.

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