Friday 18 March 2022

Precious Metal

 So for today I have posted a couple of abstract images and I wonder whether you can tell what they are...

It maybe a little easier from the first image because that is in its natural orientation, whereas for the second image I have rotated through 90 degrees.

Both are 6 second exposures from above a waterfall and I have focused on a small section of the falls as the water splashes onto the rocks below. I have tweaked contrast and curves to draw out the colours within the water as it passes over the top of the falls. I was surprised at how much colour is there because when standing above the water as it passes beneath you it appears murky and brown, with the odd streak of light. But here you can see gold and yellow and different shades.

I keep flipping between both images trying to decide which one I like most. I think I am going to settle on the second one because by shifting the perspective I feel I have increased the abstract feel and that is really what I was going for when I took the original photographs. The water falling upwards through the frame almost looks like flames and the dark shape appearing out of the white spray could be a monster, or perhaps something less frightening, say a bear (with a sad expression). I wonder, do you see that or do you see something entirely different? 

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