Wednesday 2 March 2022


 Around the gardens at Chirk Castle there are a few beautiful, classical sculptures and although I have seen them many times I am always drawn to look at them whenever I visit. I think there is a real quality to them and I am captivated by their expressions.

In the first of today's images the cherub is almost hidden away in Yew hedge at the side of a small rose garden and perhaps that is why the child/cherub is holding a rose sniffing the delicate scent. This is quite a peaceful and happy scene in contrast to the second image. I have not shown the stature in full, which is of a woman with her hands bound. It is a bronze (one of four) by Andrea Lucchesi and is called "Vanishing Dream" and her wistful or sad expression is a reflection of something lost. I think the mood of the sculpture is enhanced by the fact that it was snowing quite heavily when this shot was taken as can be seen from the streaks of white across the image.

Although there is something pleasing about the first image I much prefer the second because of the quality of the artwork itself, the powerful expression and the overall atmosphere it creates.

On this recent visit I did not photograph the four bronzes but I think on a future visit I will do so and it will undoubtedly be the subject of a future post.

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