Tuesday 8 March 2022

Something Creepy

 Isn't this little chap adorable? 

This is one of my favourite woodland species, a Treecreeper. Although they are quite widespread (214,000 pairs in the UK) they are really difficult to spot. They are very small, and they are constantly on the move as they almost scurry up and down tree trunks and along branches in search of food. They cling tight to the bark, often using their tails to give additional support, their brown plumage is perfect camouflage and that curved beak is just right for probing the cracks in the bark for the insects that make up its diet.

When I spotted this one I was also pleased to see a second treecreeper further up on a neighbouring tree which is unusual as they are normally solitary birds; although as we are at the start of spring it is possible this was a breeding pair out foraging together. Anyway whatever their story I think this is a little woodland gem and I am definitely very pleased to have captured these images which I can share with you.

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