Tuesday 15 March 2022

The Dell

 There is going to be a decidedly watery feel to my next few posts as well as some long exposures.

Today's lone image is from Bodnant Garden. I had been watching a pair of Goldcrests and a pair of treecreepers in the trees along the banks of the stream when I noticed the way the sunlight was playing through these trees and I took a little time to set up this shot. I had to wait for visitors to step away from the small bridge, and as I was on a narrow path I had to ensure I was not causing an obstruction as I set up my tripod. 

I used a 10 second exposure here at f22 and I used a variable ND filter to compensate for the long exposure (I can't recall what setting I used for the filter) I think the overall effect with the "frozen" waterfall and the sunlight through the trees creates a really tranquil scene. The sound of the water as it flowed by was so relaxing, it was easy to get lost in the beauty of this place.

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