Sunday 26 March 2023

Around the Harbour

 Walking around any town there is always lots going on and lots of opportunities for a photographer. While I do like to concentrate on the architecture, the landscape or wildlife it is also fun to capture random moments and a seaside town like Whitby will offer plenty of those. Whether that is a seagull taking a rest on some lobster pots, visitors stopping for "fish n chips", a chimney pot or even a random box of tools on a market stall there are lots of things that will catch my eye. Many random images will get discarded either just after I have taken them or later when I get to review the days "catch", others will get through to a final edit and possibly even be shared here in my blog.

Of course just because I like these images and have chosen to share them does not mean they will be to your taste. They are a real mixture, too, so you may like one or more, or none at all. For me however they capture some of the essence of the town which is more than the iconic sites such as the harbour or the abbey and that makes the effort of capturing them worth my while.

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