Tuesday 28 March 2023

When Life Gives You lemons...

 Recently I visited the pine woods at Formby, a National trust managed nature reserve where in the past I have seen and photographed red squirrels, which are rare and in decline across the UK.

I had a very pleasant visit however I did not see a single squirrel which was quite disappointing as previously I have always seen at least one or two and often several.

Having gone hoping to get some nice wildlife photos it was a bit of a let down. I managed to get a few very poor shots of some rabbits in a field, a butterfly and a noisy magpie.

The only thing from a photography point of view that saved the day was this beautiful crow. That might sound strange to describe a crow as beautiful because when we see crows normally they look like big black birds and as they feed on carrion and scraps they have a poor reputation. But, if you look closely this bird is not just black, there are hints of blue and purple and grey which add depth to the overall colour. You can also see the powerful beak and piercing eyes. I was grateful that this one bird settled on a fence post close to me and allowed me to get these and other photos

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