Tuesday 14 March 2023

Men In Boats

 Perhaps the most iconic image from Venice would be Gondolas and Gondoliers and I do have plenty of photos of those, but there is also a lot of other boat traffic that is worth a closer look too. After all without any roads the only way to get around Venice other than on foot is by boat, so taxis, refuse collection, deliveries, emergency services etc all has to be done by boat.

So here is a small selection of shots (there will undoubtedly be more) of men in boats.

These shots were taken on a very foggy morning so it is not possible to see the lagoon in the background or anything beyond the jetties quite frankly, but in spite of the fog daily routines have to carry on. The first three images show a delivery of frozen foods arriving at a jetty near to St Marks' Square. Just as we would typically see refrigerated trucks on our roads there are boats with refrigerator units in Venice, every transport problem has a solution. I like these first three images because the fog adds atmosphere to a fairly mundane scene as they tell a simple story.

The final two images are of a rather cool looking guy in a very expensive looking boat. There are many taxis that have a similar look to this boat but I think this was a private boat and the driver does not look like a typical taxi driver. he certainly has style. he even has two hats. He knew that he was being photographed but he remained focused on guiding his boat into the jetty. 

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