Wednesday 29 March 2023

Look Up, Look Down

 Although I had visited Venice several times before I had never been inside the Basilica di Santa Maria della Salute. I had photographed it from the other side of the canal but never taken the time to walk round to take a closer look. On my recent visit to the city the church had scaffolding covering the façade and when I walked around to explore I was a little worried that the whole building would be closed or have restricted access. I think many other people must have thought the same because while it was still open to the public there was no one else inside when I entered.

It was a warm day and so it was refreshing to step inside to the cool and shade and to enjoy the sense of calm.

What immediately struck me was the beautiful tiled floor, which is the subject of todays pictures. As with the exterior of the building there was restoration work taking place inside, and if you look carefully you might see pieces of yellow tape marking areas on the floor that need to be restored.

I am not sure that these photos really do justice to the scale and workmanship of this marble floor that has been there for centuries. I was mesmerised by the design and in awe of the creative minds behind it. I absolutely loved it and walked round a couple of times trying to take it all in.

I also love the way the whole design is reflected in the highly polished underside of the chandelier that hangs directly above. Was that, I wonder just coincidence or was it  part of the original plan? 

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