Wednesday 15 March 2023

Out of the Fog

 On a foggy morning the atmosphere in Venice is amazing. The bright colours are muted and some of the landmarks disappear or fade and it creates the perfect conditions for some amazing photographs.

Obviously I took advantage of that and above are just a few images to get things going. There will be more but I will mix  them up a bit over time.

You can see from the third image that the ground in St Mark's Square is wet that is because the high tide had washed over into the square during the night and early hours. It didn't flood to any great depth but it did add to the excitement of being there. Especially when in the weeks leading up to the trip all the news reports about Venice had said the canals were dry. I had seen photos online of empty canals and low water but they only reflected a small part of the city at very low tide and did not really indicate that Venice was actually running dry, proving (if proof was needed) that you should not believe everything you read online.

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