Sunday 16 August 2015

A Common Gull

Here are five shots of a Common Gull taken from the cliff tops overlooking Lulworth Cove. Just moments before, I had swapped lenses from my 150 - 600mm zoom to my Canon 24 -105mm.  I was slightly frustrated because with the bigger lens I would have been able to get some cracking close ups and not had to crop the images so hard however I think that even at 105 mm these are sharp images with a fair amount of detail so I'm pleased with the results.

It was quite windy and so the bird was using the air currents to stay up without exerting too much energy.  I really like the fourth image which shows how it was using its wings, tail and even feet to steer and turn in the air.  Gulls get a lot of bad press for stealing food from tourists and leaving a mess on cars but they are still beautiful birds and very graceful in flight.

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