Saturday 8 August 2015

A few Wild Birds

So back from my trip to the New Forest I can get back into my daily habit.  It has been frustrating not having a good enough signal to be able to post pictures every day that I was away but I hope the ones I did were appreciated.

Today I have chosen a few pictures of birds taken with my super zoom.

The first is a buzzard which I managed to catch as it flew across an opening in the forest.  It flew by so quickly it was really hard to get a clear shot but I am very happy with this one.

The next bird, I thought was a Skylark but it turns out to be a Meadow Pippit, there was a pair of them flying around and making quite a racket.  This one settled for a moment on the fern but never for very long, it was also quite a long way off so is not as sharp as I would like and the background blur is a little distracting.

The third shot is a lot better, this is a Tree Pippit and was a little more obliging in that it sat still long enough to allow me to compose the shot.

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