Wednesday 5 August 2015

Good deeds abound...

So this morning while out on a bike ride with my son we came across a large group of brightly clad cyclists ranging in age from about 10 to 110(not quite). As we approached they moved apart like the parting of the Red Sea to let us past. Just after we had passed one of the group called after us to see if we had an Allen key. Which as you can see from the first picture I did.  I was able help one of the young cyclists raise his seat so that the whole group could get under way.
Thanking me for my assistance one of the leaders of the group commented that normally they would have brought some tools with them but today no one had.  I then realised that this was a local scout troop out together.  Not one of them it seems live true to their motto.

The second of today's pictures is more in keeping with the general trend for my blog and shows a very unusual moth which was resting on a forest path.

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