Sunday 30 August 2015

Mach Loop

On Thursday I took my first trip to Cad West on the Mach Loop in North Wales.  This is an area used by military pilots for low flying training. It can be hit and miss whether you get to see anything but there were plenty of other hopeful photographers who had made the effort to make the steep climb to a good vantage point all looking down the valley in anticipation.

A regular visitor to this spot happily announced that earlier in the week there had been 20 or more passes through the valley and that 5 passes was a bad day.  So with expectations set high I settled down for what turned out to be a long wait.

It turned out that due to an accident in the valley and the air ambulance having to airlift the casualties to hospital low flying on Thursday was reduced.  

We did get three passes by Hawk Jets from RAF Valley and I was able to get a few half decent shots as you can see above.  

Although I was disappointed by the lack of action the fly pasts that I did see were incredible; the speed, the noise and the sheer skill of the pilots as they threaded through the narrow valley were captivating and I will definitely be going back for more.

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