Sunday 9 August 2015

A Curious Caterpillar

This little beauty was on my tent yesterday morning as I was packing everything away to come home.  I had no idea what it was other than some for of insect larva  so I took a few pictures so that I could identify it later.

It is about an inch and a quarter long and it remained perfectly still.  I lifted it off the tent wall and placed it safely on the trunk of the great Oak tree that we had pitched our tent under.  I figured that it had probably dropped from one of the branches above so it seemed likely that he would be at home on the tree.

I can say "he" with confidence because thanks to a little research I can reveal that it is the caterpillar of the male Rusty Tussock Moth also known as the Vapourer or Orgyia antiqua.

#RustyTussockMoth #Caterpillar

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