Tuesday 24 May 2016

A Summer Visitor

Something quite different for today and something much harder to photograph than the puffins.

This is a breeding pair of Wheatears that were flitting about the scrubby ground and burrows of the Manx Shearwaters sleeping below my feet. 

With my long lens (Tamron 150- 600mm f5 - 6.3) which is quite heavy, the strong wind and the speed at which these little birds were darting around getting a clear shot was incredibly difficult. I don't think I have really nailed it with these pictures but these are the best I could do on the day. I think I needed to be settled down and possibly in a hide to get better than these but as I had never seen these birds before I wasn't going to pass up the opportunity to get the shot. It has inspired me to do more proper wildlife photography.

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