Monday 2 May 2016

On The Beach

So today's offerings are from an early morning walk along the pebbled beach near Caernafon at the end of April. It is also a shout out to my brother-in-law Spence who on the day I was taking these pictures was, it turns out and unbeknownst to me, winning a competition stacking stones in Dunbar.

I think the first of today's pictures is one of my favourite shots of recent times. It took several attempts to get it right, I don't mean with getting the stones to stay upright, which in some ways was the easy part, but getting the angles right so that everything is lined up properly with the background was the real challenge, but I think I got it right and the overall effect is just right.

The next two shots are different views of the same pebble, in the first picture the stone is wet but in the second, even though it was very cold the morning sun had quickly dried it and so the colours are slightly different. I really liked this particular pebble and put it in my pocket as a keepsake.

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