Friday 27 May 2016

Bluebells and a Random Rabbit

I hadn't expected to see bluebells on Skomer but there were two areas where the ground was carpeted with masses and masses on them, It was like a blue lawn as you can see in the first of today's three pictures.

The other thing I wasn't expecting to see was an Iron age settlement but actually there are several round houses and walls and other signs of settlement scattered all across the island. Standing in one roundhouse it was possible to see the where the central fire would have been and it was easy to imagine the inhabitants seated around the walls talking about their day. It must have been a pretty bleak and unforgiving place to live. The second of these pictures shows the remains of an iron age structure.

The final picture is obviously of a big black bunny, with the most amazing brown eyes. It was just resting within the ruins of an old farm building in the centre of the island and I couldn't resist taking the picture. I have never seen wild black rabbits before but on Skomer there were a few of them as well as lots of the more familiar brown that you might see on roadside verge bunnies.

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