Saturday 28 May 2016

It's not all black and white

The first of today's picture shows two Guillemots and one Razorbill, they seemed to be getting along really well, I wonder if they "speak the same language" or how they can communicate with each other.

The second shot is of three Razorbills. These birds, part of the Auk family spend most of their lives out at sea in the Northern Atlantic, they only come ashore to breed and they mate for life.

Guillemots are also members of the Auk family (so they probably do share a language, maybe...) and like the Razorbill only come to land in order to breed. Their plumage is more brown than black and their bills are clearly a different shape. The pair in the last two pictures seem quite content, almost sleepy even though they are perched on such a small rocky ledge. I was amazed at the skill and agility of these birds as they flew at the cliffs and landed without crashing.

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