Tuesday 10 May 2016

Lightsaber Fun

Yesterday I decided to try something that I have never tried before; creating abstract images with light, light sabers actually (or light saber key-rings to be precise :)). So after dark I enlisted the help of my two sons and their key-rings (what can I say we're all geeks) and tried to create some interesting patterns.

Given that this was my first attempt I don't think I have done too bad. I have picked out the best shots to share today and tomorrow so if you like these do look out tomorrow for the rest. 

There is something about the colours and patterns that make me happy and I am reminded of an old Hancock's Half Hour show that I used to listen to as a kid on my parents old record player. It was called The Publicity Photograph and Tony Hancock in need of sprucing up his image goes to see a portrait photographer played by Kenneth Williams. Tony says that he wants to take a few snaps to which Kenneth Williams indignantly replies "Snaps? Snaps? I don't take snaps, I am an artist, I paint with light!" then Tony Hancock retorts "Oh Strike me I paint with light!" I remember laughing out loud to this and I listened to it over and over again and although I haven't listened to it for at least 40 years that line has stayed with me and came back last night when I was creating these images.

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