Sunday 31 July 2016

A Little Fluff

I thought that I had run out of new pictures to share and was about to delve into some old files when I realised I had one recent folder that I hadn't been through.

I recently went to Delamere Forest for a short walk, it is always nice to visit because it is always changing and there is always something different to see. On this particular occasion I was taken with the fresh greens and soaring trunks of the trees. But for today I have chosen a couple of pictures of dandelion seed heads. I didn't post these at the time because there were lots of dandelion pictures on Instagram and other sites and so I decided to save them for a bit, and then almost forgot I had taken them.

For the first picture I was assisted by my daughter who blew the seeds. I think a faster shutter speed would have improved the shot but its still quite cool. I also really like the close up with the shimmering seeds.

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