Friday 1 July 2016

Under Heavy Skies

An alternate title for today's blog was going to be "Breaking Through".

At the end of the day, after several hours of walking across moorland over rocky ledges and through cool woodland the final part of our day was a stretch along a narrow country lane. There had been threats of heavy rain and storms but fortunately it didn't materialise and at times the sun managed to break through and cast a golden glow upon the green fields, the moors and the valley.

In the first picture looking in the direction of Wildboarclough I love the pattern of dry stone walls.

In the second picture you can make out the rays of the sun fanning out through the clouds. I have cropped the image to cut out some lens flare but if you look at the bottom of the image there is an unusual flare like a smiley face emoticon, I have no idea how this was formed but it is genuine and not a trick of post production.

In the third picture the sun is lighting up the surface of Tittesworth reservoir, which was constructed in 1858 to supply the town of Stoke on Trent.

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