Friday 22 July 2016

A New Favourite

For my birthday I was given a 12 month membership for Chester Zoo and today I went to collect my membership card with my daughter and we popped in to take a few pictures (well it would have been rude not to). It was the end of the day and it rained really heavily so lots of visitors had left. It was nice and quiet and after the rain passed I was able to get good view of some of the animals.  Obviously we didn't get to see everything but there's no hurry, after all I have all year. 

I wanted to see my two favourite creatures, the Jaguar and the Red Pandas and I was lucky to see both but as we were looking for the exit we walked past these little critters, Dwarf Mongoose.  I have been to the zoo many times and I had never seen these before today, they have always been underground so it was a real treat. They are so flippin' cute and they have become one of my favourites. I hope you like them too.

With my zoo pass I will be visiting from time to time so be prepared for lots more animal pictures.  In the coming days I will share some of my other favourites from my brief visit today... enjoy!

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