Sunday 24 July 2016

Nudge Nudge...

... wink wink.

When we got to the zoo the Red Panda was the first stop on my itinerary however when it started to rain I had to change my plans and we sheltered in the aquarium for a while, then when the rains stopped and the sun came out again we had just enough time to go and see what is one of the most delightful little creatures in the zoo. We were lucky to see him/her but getting a clear shot was difficult as it was always on the move until finally settling down to munch on some bamboo up in the branches of a tree.  It was quite well hidden so I had to maneuver myself to get the best view.

Whenever I visit the zoo I will be sure to check out the red pandas and so you can be sure that I will be posting more pictures in the future but for today I hope you enjoy these.

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