Wednesday 16 November 2016

A Curious Fungus

This thimble shaped fungus was growing on the sawn end of a fallen tree. It was really quite small but it is hard to give a real idea of scale. However the parallel lines on the left of the frame are the growth rings of the tree so that should give some sense of how small it is.

From above it was rather uninteresting since it looked like a dirty lump, almost like a piece of used gum and I wasn't going to bother taking a photograph but as I took the time to look closer I noticed the bristles around the outer surface and the texture of the fungus around the lower rim, and then I saw the spores inside which resemble the rows of teeth in a sharks mouth. Funnily enough when I was selecting this picture for today my son commented that it was like sharks teeth so hopefully you will see it too.

If you have seem my blog before you will know that I love fungus and the world of fungi is full of curiosities just like this. I know that as well as photographing them I need to learn to identify them too.Curiosity

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