Wednesday 2 November 2016

Juvenile Loon

Here in the UK these birds would be called Divers but in Canada they are Loons. They are quite beautiful when fully grown and just cute as downy chicks like this one. They have the most haunting cry which can be heard from miles away.

I was out on the lake in the canoe when we came across an adult and this juvenile and as we paddled closer so that I could get a clear shot the adult bird tried its hardest to distract us and lure us away from its chick. We got as close as we dared without being too close and then we allowed ourselves to be lured away by the adult. I couldn't get a proper shot of the adult bird though because it was constantly on the move and kept diving below the surface and popping up in a different spot and then when it was satisfied that we were no longer a threat to its young it flew back to where the young bird was swimming and they paddled off together. Although it was slightly frustrating and I couldn't get all of the shots I wanted I was really impressed to see such good parenting.

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