Saturday 26 November 2016

Sunburst through trees

I haven't been able to get out with my camera for a little while because I haven't been feeling too well, or when I have had the chance to get out the weather hasn't really been good enough, or more importantly the light just hasn't been right.

Earlier this week as I was out driving for work I could see the Cumbrian fells were covered with snow and so I decided that when the weekend arrived I would head up to the lakes. Yesterday morning there was a beautiful sunrise and a decent frost so I thought that was a good sign and I was excited at the prospect of getting out. This morning however there was a thick fog so the idea of a long drive through the fog didn't seem too appealing and I decided to go somewhere closer to home; the lakes will have to wait.

It was still dark when I left the house and I started with some nice shots of the local roads lit by street lighting shrouded in mist, then I went on to West Kirby and photographed the marine lake before heading for higher ground at Thurstaston. When I got there there was another photographer setting up his tripod in readiness for the sunrise, he had a great spot and I am sure that he will have got some nice images.

I think I was also well rewarded for my efforts with a variety of pictures from across the common and as always I am excited to be able to share them with you.

Today's picture is actually one of the last ones I took as I walked back to my car. I noticed a patch of bracken which was lit up by the rising sun and so stepped off the path to have a closer look and then I saw the burst of light through the trees, I have to say that this is one of my favourite pictures and I will be printing this one and framing it to go on my wall.

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