Thursday 24 November 2016

Old Wood

I have posted pictures from Silver Islet before (and no doubt will post more in the future) but one part of the community that isn't generally noticed is the cemetery. This is because it is secluded within the forest at the end of a short trail (approx 1km) and it is overgrown and decaying; a hidden relic of the villages' past.

Some of the graves have headstones and others are marked by simple wooden markers and some of the plots are enclosed by small wooden fences like the one in this picture.

We visited on a hot and sunny day but even so there was a certain chill as we walked among the graves and it was particularly moving as we read the inscriptions on the few stones that were legible, especially when we found the grave of a ten month old child underlining how challenging conditions must have been for the settlers in Silver Islet back in the day.

I like this picture because of the rugged look of the old wood and the mossy growth which adds extra depth and texture.

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