Thursday 21 September 2017

Calm Waters at White Coppice

Two pictures today connected by the fact that they were shot at White Coppice in Lancashire.  I visited recently and had a lovely walk along by the river and on the fells which had spectacular views as far as Snowdonia to the south and the Cumbrian Fells in the north.

I had heard that there was a waterfall there but in spite of recent heavy rainfall there was very little water. Even so I had a nice time especially sitting by the ruins of an old mill. The hamlet dates back to Tudor times and there are a few beautiful cottages from that period which overlook the village cricket pitch. It was such a restful spot and these two images reflect the peace I felt while I was there.

I love the light and shade in the first image and the clear reflection. The Robin in the second shot looks a bit scruffy but he's so cute. He was quite wary of me but was tempted by a small handful of seeds that I put out for him 

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