Sunday 10 September 2017

Garden Life

I don't have much of a garden and I can take no credit for anything that grows in it but that doesn't stop me enjoying it in any way.

The front garden is particularly small and features a number of hardy fuchsias that keep flowering year after year and a massive lavender plant that waves about in the wind and provides a feast for hundreds (if not thousands) of bees throughout the summer.

The other day I spotted this unusual wasp flying among the plants. There was another similar to this one that was flying around with a small fly clasped between its front legs. Sadly that one didn't settle anywhere long enough for me to get a clear shot but I am fairly happy with this one. I believe that it is a Digger Wasp and if you follow this link you can see a really good photo of one holding a fly just as I observed ( click here

The spider in the second image had spun its web between two plants and was patiently waiting for a meal to come along. I am really not a fan of spiders but I cannot deny that this is a little beauty.

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