Friday 22 September 2017

Rare Beauty

I have been on a bit of a mission recently; to get a good shot of a Kingfisher (Alcedo atthis).

I was lucky to see one at Burton Mere earlier this week but it was too far away to get a shot so today I went to Mere Sands Nature Reserve where this little chap is often spotted. I have seen it a couple of times but I have only been able to photograph it once before.

Today it settled for less than 10 seconds on this small branch. As you can see from the first image it was quite a way off and hard to spot between the reeds so getting a clear shot was out of the question. Nevertheless I was thrilled to get any sort of image and happy to share it here. I will keep on trying and one day I am sure I will get the perfect shot.

There is something really special about these birds and it is always a thrill to see them. They are quite rare in the UK with between 3,800 and 4,400 breeding pairs spread throughout the whole of the UK (source RSPB) so any sighting however brief is definitely a treat.

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