Saturday 9 September 2017

Flying High

With the news being dominated by reports of the destruction and devastation caused by Hurricanes Harvey and Irma and the threats of Hurricane Jose on the other side of the Atlantic a windy Saturday on the West Wirral coast is never going to hit the headlines.

However the strong winds and a super high tide was enough to bring out a number of wind surfers and kite surfers. I decided to head down to West Kirby and watch some of the action and of course I took my camera with me.  I have tried to photograph kite surfers before but on that occasion the light was pretty poor and the surfers were quite a way offshore so I wasn't totally happy with the results. Today the light was much better and so I could use a fast shutter speed and overall I think I got some decent images. 

I have posted 5 different shots today. I have lots more and so in time I will share some of those. I like the energy and movement in all of these images and there is a real sense of thr power of the elements. 

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