Sunday 28 October 2018

Halfway Up The Stairs Is A Stair Where I Sit

I have been exceptionally lucky this year in that I have been able to travel a great deal and that means I have had lots of great photo opportunities.

For today I have gone back to May and the streets of Prague. During my roadtrip I tried to do a little street photography and here are a couple of shots that I rather like.

The first one shows a young couple taking a few moments to rest in the shade on some steps near the castle. I think it is a lovely scene, a romantic moment and a moment of calm away from the bustle of the castle precincts.

The second shot shows one of the many trams that work their way through the city's narrow streets.

I recently finished reading a novel set in these streets and having been there and walked the streets of the old town the narrative seemed more alive to me. It really is a beautiful city.

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