Monday 29 October 2018

Music On The Streets

So today I have chosen two very similar images taken 38 seconds apart. I have given them slightly different treatment, the first with split toning and the second in high contrast black and white.

We had stopped for a few moments after a long, hot walk along the river and in this shaded spot paused for a cool drink. We watched/listened to the young busker Mads Jacobsen who was himself on a tour across Europe. You can check out some of his music online at if you like a little bit of folk rock.

I wanted to get a shot of some of the customers at this snack bar to give a little more life to the image. I liked the casual stance of this couple as they surveyed the menu to make their choice but then the woman turned and noticed me taking a photo and she looked directly at me. I can't decide whether I prefer the one where they are both oblivious or the one where I am being observed. Both are good pictures though.

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