Wednesday 31 October 2018

Perfectly Framed

Here are three more shots from Venice. Well to be precise two are from Venice and one is from Burano (can you tell which one?)

I really like the first image because of the shape of the stone framework and the ornate ironwork grille but also for the sharp reflection of the buildings on the opposite bank of the canal. It is such a clear reflection that you might almost think you were looking straight through the window to a building on the other side, but when you look closely the reflected ironwork gives it away.

I picked the second image because it is a bit of a curiosity. Obviously there are two windows with wooden shutters and corresponding windows in the upper floor directly above. But what of the third frame? Was there originally a window there and if so why has it been filled in? I love the rich colour of the paintwork and I love the ornate shape of the frames.

The third photo shows a window on one of the colourful houses in Burano. It looks so fresh and clean and the colours are accentuated by the straight lines.  

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