Tuesday 23 October 2018

Roses Are Red pt1

Of course roses are not always red, they come in all sorts of colours and varieties and the vibrant colours combined with a luxurious perfume make these really wonderful flowers.

My favourite from this selection is the fourth one which I recall had a sweet but delicate scent and I really like the colour and the arrangement of the petals. I also like the central whorl on the third image.

I took these pictures in the Rose Garden at Leif Erikson park in Duluth. I had read about this as being one of the things to see in Duluth and I was surprised to see so many varieties out on display. It was cold and windy so looking through my shots I was not surprised to see that many of the flowers were a little blurry around the edges but that being said I think I still managed to get a few decent ones worth sharing. There will be more for another day but for today please enjoy these. 

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