Tuesday 12 May 2015

Inside the Belfort

A major landmark in Bruges is the Belfort, the belfry tower overlooking the main square it houses a clock and carillon which regularly sounds over the city.  It provides an opportunity to see the workings and hear the bells up close but it also give fantastic views across the city and I have shared some pictures of the rooftops of the city in a previous blog.

As well as the clock and the bells the tower used to be the repository for the cities guilds important documents.  These were kept safe in secure chests which were themselves locked behind heavy wrought iron doors.  The first two of today's pictures show detail from two of these doors.

The third picture shows a view of some of the stairs to the upper level inside the belfry, steep, narrow wooden spiral stairs that are tricky to negotiate but the effort really pays off.

The final picture is an abstract view which focuses on the security netting at the top of the tower and I think it is a really effective image.

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