Friday 8 May 2015

Tea House and gardens

These pictures were all taken on the Island of San Giorgio Maggiore in Venice.  The first image of the box topiary maze was taken from the top of the belfry which can be seen in the final picture. It was really peaceful in the garden of "Isola San Giorgio Maggiore" and I wanted to get inside to have a look around but it was closed off to the public.  In the third picture I was trying to get just high enough to get a view but was shouted at by a passing workman on his bike so didn't manage to get the shot I wanted but I don't think this one is too bad.

The second picture might seem slightly out of place given how modern it is in contrast to the other ancient buildings and garden, however this Japanese Tea House has been built within the grounds of the church and was the most tranquil of settings.  It is the work of a Japanese artist called Hiroshi Sugimoto, it is called "Glass Tea House Mondrian", it is a temporary work which opened in June 2014 and will be in place until November 2015.  If you click on the link you will be able to find out more about this work and the artist.

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