Wednesday 6 May 2015

This city is sinking

It is often said that Venice is slowly sinking how true that is I am not sure, but while we were there we saw workers on barges busy replacing some of the old piling which supports the city.  I imagine it is a never ending process, but well worth the effort to preserve such a beautiful place..

The first two pictures show street scenes near San Basilio, away from the hubbub of the tourist areas, it looks calm and peaceful but every bit as beautiful as the more familiar parts of Venice.

I like the third picture of the Cormorant as it stands like a sentinel watching our approach.

As we approached the city on the Vaporetto on our first day  we passed the restaurant terrace in the last of today's pictures.  Everyone looked relaxed and happy, enjoying the late afternoon sun.  I wonder how relaxed they would feel if they could see the state of the piling supporting the terrace... it's not a great picture I know but it does show the effect of constant erosion and that is why I took it.

I loved Venice and would definitely go again, and I would take time to explore some of the less seen parts of the city again.

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