Thursday 21 May 2015

Rocky Smile

I've called today's post Rocky Smile because of the first picture which is of the face of Malham Cove.  If its a rock face then it can have a smile and that is what I have tried to show in that photo.

The second picture is of the steps leading from the cove to the limestone terrace above.  It is part of the Pennine Way long distance path.  I had walked this path once before, in December 2012, when there was snow and ice on the ground making the path and the limestone at the top quite treacherous.

The next two images are landscape views, the first from the top of the cove and the second back down at the riverside.  My favourite image is the final one, I like the little grassy mounds in the foreground and the distant barn framed by the trees in the centre.  I also like the sky which was starting to brighten up after a storm had been threatening to develop but fortunately didn't materialise.

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