Thursday 28 June 2018

Always Watching...

Tamron 150 - 600mm
ISO 2500  600 mm   F/6.3   1/320 sec

ISO 800   350 mm   F/5.6   1/320 sec

These pictures were shot in Gothenburg in Slottsskogen a fabulous park near the city centre.  There are lots of paths and wooded areas, there's even a small zoo with native animals so plenty to see and we spent several hours wandering round and there were lots of photo opportunities.

Here we have a Fieldfare and a Western Jackdaw.

At first I thought the bird in the first picture was a Song Thrush but I wasn't convinced so did a bit of research and found that it was a Fieldfare although I think it may be a juvenile because it was smaller than Fieldfares I have seen before and the head is less obviously grey.

The second bird was seated on a fence and was staring intently at me. I was somewhat surprised that it allowed me to get quite close before flying away.

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