Thursday 21 June 2018

Building For The Future

Today I was asked what the highlight of my roadtrip was and my first thought was the Lego House in Billund, Denmark.  To be fair there were lots of highlights and I don't really want to pick a favourite but there was something really unusual and unexpected about the Lego House that was totally captivating.

Billund is the home of Lego, and it was a bucket list item for my son to visit since he is and always has been a massive fan of Lego. As we drove into the town we were greeted by the sight of a beautiful white building with lots of clean angles and perfectly straight lines that genuinely took our breath away.

We parked up in a space with an hour limit and went off to look over the building and get a few photos but it was such an amazing building that as we explored I realised that 1 hour would not be enough and so I moved the car and parked up for 2 more hours and went back to play.  Yes, that's right. The building as well as housing a big exhibition of Lego structures inside is also a massive playground on the outside with  hidden levels and activity zones.

I will share some pictures of the overall structure some other time but for today I have selected a few images showing different perspectives of the stairs and giant seating on opposite sides of the building. It is really bold and beautiful, just wait til you see the full building.

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